In recent years the Covid situation has made each of us more aware of longevity, our mortality, as we have all lost loved ones, or been struck down by a human manufactured Sars Cov2 virus. It’s brutal. All of a sudden humanity feels vulnerable, the first time in a generation.
The question of course that nobody wants to admit is :
“How long have I got?”
“How much runway do I have?”
It’s there constantly nagging in our head but then again many of us don’t want to know the answer, or maybe they are afraid to know the answer or seemingly believe it won’t happen to me , death that is.

Confirming your runway
What if I told you there was a ‘test’ that could reveal how much runway you have left, that considers hereditary conditions and illnesses as well as the plethora of conditions our lifestyles create. Yes that’s right, our lifestyle dictates how long we live. It is ultimately down to us, because death is a disease not a biological certainty. Please stay with me on this…
What happens if you are diagnosed with a condition that if not managed properly will end your life…
Does that get your attention?
Are you part of the population that is considered the Walking Dead?
What if I told you the data reveals that 80% of humans walking around, have a condition that will shorten their lives and they don’t know. Blissfully unaware they are the Walking Dead. When you enter a room look around, note that 4 in 5 people, and that includes members of your family, have a condition that will shorten their lives — unless it’s identified early, and managed.
How does that make you feel?
Most conditions that if found early enough can be managed to extend your runway. To extend you life, the time you have left with family and friends. After all that is what matters, right?
I decided as soon as I found out there was a test, I want to know if I’ve got something bad. Maybe because I’m in my sixties and a recent grandparent, I wanted to know if I will see them grow up. I just wanted to know!
Snivelling Cave Dwellers
Humans have been kicking around the planet for 300,000 years so called Homo Sapiens and before them Homo Erectus, (walking on two feet, not having a permanent erection). It is worth remembering modern civilisation has been around for 6000 years — the Byzantines, Egyptians and Romans amongst many others. Yet only in the past 100 years have humans had the means and the weakness of will, to put rubbish into their bodies on a scale never seen before.
Humans have spent most of the past 100,000 years as snivelling dribbling cave dwellers — no heating, no regular meals, no drugs or cures, and no 3 meals a day, of mostly of processed foods purchased from supermarkets. These dribblers maybe ate once every few days, mostly meat and plants — living in a state of permanent hunger, fear of being eaten as someones next meal, or dying of a simple infection.
These days we pump all kinds of things into our bodies which it isn’t designed to handle, the shere volume of food, calories and chemicals that cause all kinds of issues, conditions and diseases.
Yes, we are doing it to ourselves, and our food chain IS the problem. Don’t get me started on state sponsored killing that allows the sale of sugared water, the free advertising of chemical ridden fast foods, full of processed chemicals that makes them addictive, while the government and industry knowingly allows these foods to kill us.
Healthcare costs is the single largest cost deficit on the planet, $4trillion a year in the US alone and $20trillion globally. Despite trying to kill ourselves, average age of death is climbing, not because we are healthier and doing the right things, the reason is the healthcare system has made advancements in keeping us alive, suppressing conditions with last minute cures and procedures. Drugs mainly.
Is the current healthcare model killing us?
The entire medical system and ‘Big Pharma’ is designed around two things. First, identifying the conditions and illness when you already have it — so called Macro Testing that focuses on cures, and secondly, supplying us endless pills and drugs to keep the condition at bay. It’s a very profitable industry for some, but ultimately doesn’t cure us, let alone prevent us from getting ill.
This model is all about ‘cure’, after the event. But what of PREVENTION — wouldn’t you want to know what you have, or most important of all what condition you are likely to develop, before you have it? Before it’s too late? So you can manage it…
What if there was a ‘fundamental test’ that could detect illnesses, conditions and diseases before they manifest? At the very, very early outset, keep reading…

Prevention — The God Test
The obvious answer is prevention and each of us having the fundamental testwhich is called a Micro Vascular Test, a test that looks for small changes in the tiny blood vessels, sweat glands and the bodies Autonomic Nervous System. Yes, this test is real and I had one last week. I was apprehensive but fortunately scored well. It was non evasive and checked more than 400 data points, analyzed by an advanced algorithm that reveals all.
The test is profound, primarily because of Artificial Intelligence, a specific machine learning algorithm can identify what is going on at the fundamental level in our bodies. And I should point out there are other tests being added all the time, while it is known blood tests are required to confirm liver and kidney function, as I have enjoyed a lot of wine over the years.
What happens if you’re given the data and evidence that you will develop or have already developed the signs of a dangerous condition.
For starters think of cause and effect:
- Impact of Obesity — Type 2 Diabetes
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Type 1Diabetes
- Head Trauma
- Stroke, Aneurysms, Brain Haemorrhage
- Dementia & Alzheimer’s
- Residual Inflammatory Diseases from Covid
It’s worth remembering that 80% of conditions start with some form of inflammation and that many of our foods are packed with things that cause this.
So, your test score indicates you have an early condition. The key question, would you be inclined to manage your life differently, making changes to lifestyle, exercise routines and change your food intake?
For me the answer is of course yes and I have already made significant adjustments in recent years.
And let’s be clear here — we are talking about extending life a decade or more, is that not worth considering?
In the US 60% of people are eligible for a free test paid for by Insurers. In the UK this test may one day be available for free on the NHS and in other countries.
The approved technology has been around for a while but the breakthrough is the machine learning algorithms that can go deep and work out your propensity to develop a disease based on the tiny changes in the vessels that supply blood to the tissue. The minute changes and rhythms of your body.

The brutal killer — Type 1diabetes & LVH
Like many, I didn’t really know about Type 1 diabetes, I was aware Type 2 brought on by insulin resistance from too much sugar, but had no ideas Type 1 was such a brutal killer. Sugar, like many refined and processed foods is very bad for the body, causing inflammation and chronic conditions. But I didn’t realise Type 1 diabetes was so nasty and pernicious. Often hereditary, most sufferers don’t know that have it until ulcers and open wounds don’t heal, then they are having bits cut off. Feet, legs etc as the early signs are often loss of sensitivity in the toes and finger tips. But if you catch it early enough, there are many things you can do to manage it and extend quality of life.
I lost a good friend recently who was continually misdiagnosed, he didn’t get a micro vascular test. Feeling weak and listless this ex professional rugby player was on the outside seemingly in good shape. He lost weight, his blood thickened and he entered the final stage of life and he didn’t know, within 6 months having has feet, legs removed, he died quickly. The test would have not only detected the issues, if taken much sooner, would have added years to his life as he said “he was too young to die (67) and had so much more he wanted to acheive”. There is no doubt early detection would have allowed him to extend his runway.
The other major killer is an enlarged heart chamber where the blood enters and leaves this vital organ, called left-ventricular (LV) hypertrophy . In a large swathe of the population this enlargement creates weakness and is a massive killer but also leads to dementia and loss of cognitive functions. High blood pressure is often a cause. It is a sudden and brutal killer where the first symptom is often death. Early detections is vital and there are treatments and ways to manage this including surgery.
Are you a ticking time bomb? Part of the population that is already ‘walking dead’?
I took the test…wouldn’t you like to know?
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Nick Ayton works extensively in BioTech, MedTech, Synthetic Biology, Materials Science, Deep Tech, Ai, Quantum Computing horizon technologies.
The micro vascular test described above is one of my clients that as you can imagine is attracting a lot of interest. If you would like to find out more please get in touch or message me on Linkedin.